‘Anti-White Assault,’ Police Reveal If It Will Be A Hate Crime

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Three young women brutally beat a 57-year-old woman while making racial remarks about “white people.” After the suspects were arrested, the police announced whether the “anti-white assault” will be charged as a hate crime.

The New York Police Department announced whether the suspects involved in an “anti-white assault” will be charged with a hate crime. (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

The media, academia, and government are filled with studies promoting the idea that racism is a founding factor in the United States. Minorities and marginalized people groups are given a platform while all others are instructed to listen to their plight. However, when the tables are turned, these pillars of society seem uninterested in hearing from victims who don’t fit the narrative.

While riding a bus in Queens, a 57-year-old grandmother of five was savagely assaulted by a group of teen girls who investigators believe may have been racially and politically motivated. Jill LeCroix says she was left bloodied and battered after her attackers discovered her political affiliation.

Jill LeCroix
Jill LeCroix, 57, says three teen girls beat her after making anti-white remarks. (Photo Credit: New York Police Department)

LeCroix, who has three biracial children and works as a bartender, told the New York Post that she overheard three young women loudly discussing their hatred for “white people.” She says that she knew they were talking about her because she was the only white person on the bus at the time.

“The one with the green hair, she was saying she hates white people, the way they talk, hates white skin, the way their skin cracks. Saying she was gangsta,” said the bartender, who was headed to visit her mother at the time. “I was the only white person on the bus. By the time we started passing St. John’s Cemetery on Woodhaven, she started in on me, saying, ‘That’s where I’m going to bury you!’”

LeCroix says one of the girls threatened that “all white people are going to get what they deserve.” The encounter then turned violent when one of the girls accused her of being a supporter of Donald Trump.

“Before they hit me, the girl with the green hair said, ‘You probably like Trump! Don’t you?’” LeCroix recalled. “I said, ‘I love him.’ I didn’t see which one hit me first.”

Jill LeCroix says the suspects attacked her on the bus after asking her if she liked Donald Trump. (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

After the attack ended, LeCroix reported the incident to the police and headed to a nearby hospital. She suffered a laceration and required three staples to close the gash in her head. Although the suspects fled on foot, detectives finally caught two of the three girls.

“I didn’t even know” how bad the wound was, LeCroix said. “They sat me down on the bus, and one of the passengers said, ‘Uh-oh, you’re bleeding pretty bad.’“

The police announced shortly after the teens were arrested that the crime was considered an “anti-white assault” and that the suspects, who are 15 and 16, have been charged with assault as a hate crime and aggravated harassment as a hate crime.

Jill LeCroix
Police arrested two of the three suspects and charged them with hate crimes. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

LeCroix says she was shaken up by the attack. She is afraid of what might happen to her if others decide to retaliate against her for her ethnicity and political affiliation.

“Never in my life have I been attacked like that,” LeCroix said. “They said they hate white people.”

LeCroix told investigators that she overheard the suspects discussing other mischiefs they had previously made. She says they were joking about kicking a baby stroller sometime earlier.

“The one with the green hair was the mouth, but they were looking for trouble,” LeCroix said. “When they got on the back door of the bus, they were laughing, and the one with the pink hair said, ‘Yeah, I kicked that baby stroller!’”

Cases like this should be treated with the same harshness as those in which the races and political affiliations are reversed. (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

Jill LeCroix gave investigators other details that aligned with video evidence of the girls and has since left it up to the justice system to determine whether the girls are guilty of a hate crime.

To hate someone solely because of their race or political belief is abhorrent and should be treated equally, regardless of who the offenders or the victims are. If guilty, these suspects should receive the same penalty that they would if the races and politics had been reversed.