Teacher Gives Flyer To Preteens, Promotes Disturbing Sexual Practices

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A school came under fire after parents discovered that a middle school teacher gave children flyers detailing disturbing sexual practices as well as telling them they can hide the information from their parents.

Stewart Middle School
A teacher at Stewart Middle School in Tacoma is under fire for distributing to students flyers promoting disturbing sexual activity. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

When Washingtonians looked in their children’s backpacks, they were shocked to find a disconcerting flyer with information that would make most parents’ stomachs turn. According to KTTH, a science teacher at Stewart Middle School in Tacoma gave 8th-grade students flyers outlining their right to engage in sex with other children as well as to receive condoms, emergency contraceptives, and abortions without their parents’ permission or knowledge.

Whether it’s drag queen story hour, encouraging kindergarteners to choose their gender identity, or showing first graders cartoons about masturbation, twisted individuals aggressively seek to sexualize our children at every level. Of course, they know that this is easiest achieved through the public school system, and it’s proven a successful endeavor.

Stewart Middle School
The flyers tell children as young as 11 they can have sex with other children and that they can get contraceptives and abortions without their parents’ consent or knowledge. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

The flyers detailed disturbing information surreptitiously promoting sex between children. It was carefully worded to ensure that the child reader identifies that they can engage in sex acts with others of a certain age without fear of legal consequences for either party.

Age of minority & Consent for sex: the age of consent is 16. It is not a crime if you are…

  • 11 and have sex with somebody 2 years older or less.
  • 12 to 13 and have sex with somebody who is 3 years older or less.
  • 14 to 15 and have sex with somebody who is 4 years older or less.

The flyer also divulged that children as young as 14 can be tested and treated for life-threatening diseases and be trusted to keep with their own treatment and medications without their parents ever knowing. Just as disturbing is the flyer’s misleading promotion of emergency contraceptives. The flyer suggests such drugs without any warning of the serious health risks of such abortifacients.

STDs & HIV testing & treatment:
If you are 14 years and older, you do not need permission from your parent or guardian to get tested for STDs or HIV, or to get treatment.

Emergency contraception:
You can buy Plan B emergency contraception at a local pharmacy without a prescription at any age. You may need a prescription for other types of emergency contraception.

The flyer tells children they can buy condoms “AT ANY AGE” as well as obtain oral contraceptives without having to inform their parents. (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

After parents complained, the Tacoma Public Schools district confirmed that Planned Parenthood was responsible for creating the flyer. Eric Hogan, who is the Assistant Director of Secondary Education for the district, apologized in a letter to a concerned parent, claiming that the flyer was distributed by the teacher without the school’s knowledge.

“Previously, Planned Parenthood taught within our schools and supplied the flyer that was distributed to students,” Hogan wrote. “We discovered a binder of curriculum materials was left behind for an incoming teacher to use for this year, and this flyer was in the binder. Not realizing the flyer wasn’t approved material, the teacher sent it home with students. Corrective action has been taken with this employee.”

The community should be calling for the teacher’s termination. Whether the teacher distributed the flyers because they thought it was age-appropriate or because they didn’t properly review it is inconsequential. The fact that this was given to students proves their incompetence and lack of good judgment. They should not be working around children.

The district says the teacher distributed the flyers without the school’s knowledge and has endured “consequences.” (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

Whispering in children’s ears that they can engage in sexual activity but never warning them of the life-long emotional, physical, and spiritual consequences is child abuse and outright predatory behavior. Furthermore, these sensitive subjects should be left to families to discuss with their own children — not a teacher and certainly not a corporation.

As parents, we must be hyper-vigilant of our children as there are predators around every corner, especially in the school system. They aren’t sorry until they get caught and someone complains, and they will continue to push this predacious propaganda on our children until we hold them accountable.