An elementary school child was hospitalized after a group of teens stormed a school bus with the sole purpose of attacking children. It’s a parent’s worst nightmare and has raised questions about security.

At approximately 7 am on a Monday morning, just a mile away from Snapfinger Elementary School in DeKalb County, Georgia, a group of teens mobbed a school bus and attacked children, leaving one unnamed elementary school child hospitalized. The bus was along Hollyhock Terrace in Decatur when it made a stop and the teen mob swarmed on board, according to the NY Post.
Students, ranging in age from as young as 6 years old to 11 years old, were attacked, according to a report from the DeKalb County School Police Department. “During the morning ride to school, a group of middle and high school students boarded the bus to assault an elementary school student,” a voicemail message sent to parents said in part. It was later learned, however, that one of the suspects wasn’t even a student, but rather an 18-year-old adult who had set up the attack.
A police report listed six grade-school-age students as victims in the assault, only one was hurt badly enough to be taken to the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta hospital. Much of the attack was caught on video, according to court documents, which state that the violent mob cussed out the bus driver, refused to leave the bus, and began repeatedly kicking and punching the elementary school boy who ended up hospitalized with a large forehead contusion and temporary memory loss.
DeKalb County School District Police responded immediately and investigated. School officials also released a statement. “The safety and well-being of our students is our top priority,” it read. “An incident occurred on a school bus on Hollyhock Terrace involving Snapfinger Elementary students. Two middle school students, one high school student, and an 18-year-old non-student attacked elementary students, which resulted in one elementary student being transported to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta (CHOA).”

Multiple suspects were identified, including the 18-year-old non-student, a high school student, and two middle school students. Warrants were obtained for the high school student and the 18-year-old non-student. Tiffany Henderson, the 18-year-old, and her 17-year-old brother Curtis Henderson were arrested.
According to jail and police records, Curtis Henderson was charged with battery, interference with the operation of a school bus, 1st-degree cruelty to children, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. His sister, Tiffany Henderson, was charged with interference with the operation of a school bus and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, 11 Alive reported.

The two middle school students involved — who were not named but were ages 11 and 14, according to the police report — were also arrested and taken to Juvenile Intake, facing charges of simple battery and interfering with the operation of a school bus. Two others, ages 8 and 10, were listed on the police report as offenders in the incident as well. Their names were also not shared because of their age.
Although the district said in their statement that “the safety and well-being” of students is their “top priority,” it is unclear how the group got on the bus or how many students were on the bus at the time. This has shocked and upset parents. “This is ridiculous,” parent Latrice Lewis said. “This is why I don’t have my kids on the bus, I drive them to school. And, I drive them back home.” Others echoed those same sentiments.
“That is outrageous,” added parent Alexis Clarke. “I think that’s really bad and, if they did beat up some elementary school students, they definitely deserve to go to jail.” [Source: NY Post]
What’s really bad and outrageous is that Tiffany Henderson, an adult, allegedly orchestrated the whole thing. According to the police, she brought minor children from her family to the bus stop with the purpose of having them fight a 10-year-old boy. She also encouraged them to fight other children on the bus, CBS 46 reported. This was all because the 10-year-old boy allegedly had a dispute with another student, a younger sibling of the Hendersons, AJC reported.
Rather than end any bullying that may have taken place, Tiffany Henderson perpetuated more bullying and landed her younger relatives in trouble with the law. Make no mistake, she didn’t do her little sister any favors. Instead, she caused the rest of her family to have criminal records. She had an opportunity to lead by example and show her younger family members how to handle conflict. But, rather than do the right thing, she only taught them how to take a bad situation and make it so much worse.