After returning to find 40 failed asylum seekers living in his building, a businessman attempted to make them leave. However, he was soon forced off of his own property after the squatters told him they were calling the police.

After evicting a “bad tenant” from his building, Amsterdam resident Salih Ozcan invested an exorbitant amount of cash into refurbishing the site. The small business owner planned to utilize the space for his car company, which he relies on for his income.
However, as soon as he returned from a brief vacation, he discovered that he had unknowingly prepared the premises for those hoping to take advantage of his hard work. Unbeknownst to the squatters, it isn’t charitable or compassionate when you force your neighbor to foot the bill for your choices.

According to AT5, Ozcan returned to find 40 people living in his newly renovated building and destroying the entire property. Since the squatters are all rejected asylum seekers from Africa, Ozcan ordered them to vacate his property, thinking they would fear him involving the authorities. Instead, they turned the law around for their advantage.
Once Ozcan attempted to even enter his own building with a news team, the illegal migrants immediately stopped them, physically pushing the entrepreneur and cameramen out. The squatters then told them all to get out or they would call the police to remove them.
“Do I have to leave my own building?” asked an exasperated Ozcan.
Even more disturbing was the response police issued. Instead of removing the migrants for illegally breaking and entering, they sided with the failed asylum seekers. Ozcan was told by police that he cannot evict the migrants and that the case wasn’t considered a top priority.
Referring to the piles of trash at the entrance, Ozcan said the scene was too “crazy for words,” adding, “Only rats and mice come here.”
Apparently, the migrants have the right to squat, even if they illegally entered the premises and have caused damage to the property. Sadly, Ozcan has been forced to watch as his building is destroyed by the migrants until they either leave of their own volition or he goes through the lengthy and costly court process.
“It’s a very bad feeling. I have no words for it at all,” he said. “I can understand those people somewhat, but they don’t understand me at all. Unbelievable. That this is possible in such a country.”

Ozcan has not only been financially hurt but also humiliated. He must dispose of the heaps of rubbage on the sidewalk in front of his building and routinely clean up after the destructive squatters as they continue to abuse his property without repercussions.
Disturbingly, Ozcan will be held liable if any of the migrants are hurt in his building or destroy any part of the building, especially if it causes damage to his neighbors’ properties. He is also responsible for keeping the building running and paying for any electric and water his unwanted guests use. He is literally at the mercy of the unwanted occupants who’ve seized his building as their own and prevented him from using it for his income.

Ozcan has been informed that he must wait at least 6 weeks for an official evacuation process to begin. Even then, there is no guarantee that it will be successful. Ozcan has secured a lawyer while he waits to evaluate the damage that is still being done to his property.
The failure to enforce immigration laws has created an insufferable situation for both the migrants and hard-working citizens. No one is able to do their job when such chaos and flagrant flouting of the law is permitted.