A sexual predator was sentenced to 46 years in prison for the serious nature of his crimes against children. However, after infamously arguing that “pedophiles are a persecuted minority” and that laws prohibiting sexual contact with children violate his rights, he won a major appeal.

New Jersey resident Gary Wolchesky, 31, was arrested for using his Xbox to sexually groom boys aged 10 to 15 before coercing them to exchange sexually explicit videos with him. He convinced the children to perform graphic and invasive sexual acts on themselves on camera while he recorded the acts, NJ 101.5 reports.
After four of his child victims came forward to accuse Wolchesky, it took more than seven years for his court process to begin, due to pre-trial legal motions. After a lengthy court battle, the admitted pedophile was sentenced to 46 years in prison on child pornography charges. However, the child predator had a backup plan just in case he was convicted.

Wolchesky first made waves on his YouTube channel, which he used as a platform to discuss and advocate for the destigmatization of pedophilia. In one video titled “Gary’s Couch Confessions,” he not only admits that he’s a proud pedophile but argues that those with a sexual proclivity for children are unfairly oppressed.
“I am a very strong supporter of pedophilia and I have no problem with that. Obviously I have a problem with that considering I am one, right?” he said. “There’s nothing wrong with it in my personal opinion. I think, honestly, the lawmakers that came up with these crazy laws — these are ridiculous laws, basically. These are ridiculous laws. Even after someone serves their time for it, say they got caught with having sex with a child — you know, it happens — even though they spent forever in jail for it and they basically are treated exactly how a judge, a lawyer, or a police officer would be in jail. So, why are they not in a separate section like those people are? It just profounds me.”
Wolchesky asks why sex offenders are compiled on a special registry when other criminals aren’t. He then equates the ostracization of pedophiles to discrimination and says that sexual predators should sue cities over the violation of their civil rights. He then concludes that he will continue to push for pedophile rights and the normalization of sex with children.
“It’s obvious that judges, lawyers, and cops which make these laws are little b—–s and cowards but they expect someone else to go through it. It seems very hypocritical to me. Why are pedophiles the only ones that have to register with their police department? Why can’t they live in certain towns? That’s discrimination right there,” he concludes.

Of course, Wolchesky’s knack for justifying the unjustifiable came in handy after his conviction. In a disturbing update, an appellate court has ruled that the pedophile may have been denied his constitutional right to a speedy trial, which Wolchesky blamed on the accusation that he is part of a “persecuted minority,” according to the Asbury Park Press.
The decision required a lower court to examine Wolchesky’s trial in order to determine whether the 7-year delay in prosecution was legitimate or whether his rights were violated.

The appellate panel acknowledged that Wolchesky was responsible in part for the lengthy delay since he demanded to represent himself. The judges also concluded that the delay was partially due to a break in the investigation, which resulted in the addition of new charges.
While Wolchesky unhesitantly admits that he sexually engaged children, he maintains that it shouldn’t be illegal. He insists that each of his child victims consented and that minors should be allowed to decide to participate in sexual activity with adults.

Because Wolchesky insisted upon a trial, he forced four of his victims to take the stand, facing their abuser. Fortunately, these brave young men’s testimonies managed to put the child predator away for a long time.
Disturbingly, all of their courage and perseverance were undermined by Wolchesky’s determination to flout justice and make one of the worst crimes not only illegal but accepted.