When a woman began suffering from a strange, mysterious itch, she went to see the doctor several times. After getting medication for scabies, there was no sign of improvement. She didn't…
When a Marine Corps veteran saw the lessons his daughter was receiving in class, he decided to confront the school. According to the dad, educators were pushing Islamic beliefs on…
After going to the salon and seeing how a fellow patron was paying for "the works," a woman was beside herself. Fed-up with what she witnessed, she went off on…
Family and friends were aghast when it came time for the cake at a birthday party for a young girl. Outrage ensued when partygoers saw what the bakery wrote, and…
A manager of a Texas restaurant thought she was giving a potential employee honest feedback about her appearance. The woman didn't appreciate the advice, however, and accused the manager of…
Although teenagers are known for testing the limits to see what they can get away with, when a teen girl wore a "church outfit" to school, her mother never imagined…
Social and news media alike were both abuzz when word got out that a "racist" billboard was erected in multiple states across the country. The advertisement inflamed the emotions of…
When a six-year-old boy whipped out his own wallet to pay for food, his mother decided to brag about his behavior online. However, others weren't impressed. Instead, she was met…
A couple of truck drivers were about to call it a night when they suddenly felt compelled to keep going. Because they had decided to do one last thing before…
When people walked into their local Walmart and saw the display that employees had put up, they were outraged. Claiming it was racist, they demanded that something should be done…
A customer at a KFC restaurant received vicious insults and threats from an employee when the patron asked for bacon on their sandwich. The video footage will leave you downright…
A beloved piano teacher looked like a timid young woman with intentions as pure as the driven snow. So, no one ever imaged what was going on in her home…
After a man left his dying wife's hospital room, he crossed paths with a Spanish-speaking janitor. The custodian had a message that caused him to quickly return to his wife's…
A plaque on the wall of a small but well-known Alabama restaurant never received much attention until it caught the eye of a state senator who snapped a photo. Praising the incredible…
While trying to enjoy a meal out, an elderly grandma choked on her food at Denny's. Despite the scare, she got through it and kept eating. When the receipt came,…
While catching his cheating wife in the act, a man decided to document everything on video. He then posted it online for all to see. You decide. Did he go…