Amanda Lee, who has a large following on social media, has been dubbed Instagram’s “Butt Star” for her shapely backside. However, after she revealed she was charging $350 an hour for a “private workout,” the fitness influencer revealed the “emotional downside.”

Amanda Lee began sharing images on Instagram in 2014. Since then, the certified personal trainer has amassed millions of followers by uploading photos and videos of herself in thong bikinis, booty shorts, thigh-highs, and, on occasion, almost nothing. She did, however, expose an “emotional downside” to her financial success as Instagram’s most renowned “Butt Star.”
“Fitness is sexy,” Lee said. “When I realized sexier photos got more likes, I was enticed by the attention.” The majority of her images are obviously sensual. Therefore, it may surprise you to learn that the photographer is frequently Amanda’s mother, Olinda Fields.
Amanda began selling her online fitness and meal plans when her followers requested advice. “I have no idea why my page grew so fast,” she said. However, she confesses that her curves have contributed to her success. “I always wanted to appeal to everyone,” she said, “but I got seduced by people’s responses and sidetracked trying to maintain this curvy physique and build a sexy brand.”
Amanda, whose mother describes her as a “perfectionist,” has spent a long time sculpting her signature shape. “I was obsessed with the whole butt thing before it became popular,” she claimed. Amanda goes to the gym five times a week for 90 minutes, doing squats, deadlifts, and lunges to tone her lower body.
“If I’m not sore after, I feel like I didn’t do anything,” she said. According to Daily Mail, Amanda’s fame skyrocketed, with sponsors paying her up to $20,000 for each post to promote their products, and she charged $350 per hour to train clients in “private workouts.” However, after years of being a viral hit, Amanda began to reconsider her career path and disclosed the emotional downside.
“Once I got all the followers, I reevaluated things — like, is this really me?” the fitness influencer wondered. “For my mental health, I don’t want to get so wrapped up in perfection. I want to be more confident in myself without trying so hard.”
Despite being popular as a “Butt Star,” Amanda stated that she wants to be known for more than just her shapely rear. “I want to have a little more substance,” she explained. However, she acknowledges that the money she earns for her famous booty is addictive. “I’m not hanging up my bikini just yet,” she continued.
Amanda’s mother was asked about her daughter’s “overtly sexual” images. “She’s never posted a photo that’s made me feel uncomfortable,” she said. “Everyone in the family is behind her and encourages her — although I don’t think her brothers are checking out her Instagram. That would be a little weird. My favorites are when she does her bikini photos and looks so amazing. Her body is so perfect. She’s such a sweet girl. Her pictures don’t depict her personality.”
Amanda Lee’s mom also talked about the negativity her daughter experiences online. “I don’t really read a lot of the comments. Regardless of who you are, you’re going to get negativity,” she explained. “I’m more concerned about whether her fans are going to do something crazy. Sometimes I worry about her safety because there are a lot of crazy people — you never know.”
Amanda admitted to having received surgical improvements, including breast implants and “normal stuff like Botox.” However, she insists that her famed behind is legitimate and seeks to filter out the harsh online comments. “I try not to take the negative comments to heart,” Amanda said, “but people nitpick on certain things, like, ‘Her nose looks weird,’ or, ‘What’s up with her butt?’ and you kind of start to think, ‘Wait, does that look bad there?’ It’s not necessarily the healthiest thing, and I’m still learning to cope with it.”