School Suspends Boy After Parents Find Out About Mom’s Job

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A Florida mom couldn’t believe it when her seven-year-old son was suspended from school. She claimed she was “humiliated” by the school’s decision, which was due to her occupation. Some concerned parents didn’t like what she did for money.

Sara Blake Cheek
Sara Blake Cheek (Credit: YouTube)

Sara Blake Cheek claims she was forced to homeschool her seven-year-old son after he was suspended when parents complained to school officials about the mother of four’s day job, which is an OnlyFans page. Media publications described Sara’s pay-per-view photos as “racy and risque.”

When Sara’s salon closed due to COVID lockdowns, she created the OnlyFans account to help support her family. It proved to be extremely profitable. The social media star, who said she earns $480,000 a year from the platform in 2023, lives on a million-dollar ranch in Florida with her husband Matt and their four children, Chandler, Camden, Corey, and Carson.

Sara Blake Cheek spoke out about how she felt humiliated by her son’s suspension. “My son was even suspended from school and in trying to communicate with the principal, she refused to talk to me or give a reason as to why he was being treated badly simply because I did OnlyFans,” she said.

Sara argued that her decision to model on OnlyFans does not make her a bad mother. “Having your rights as a mother, a good one at that, taken by someone else for providing, is unimaginably the worst feeling in the world,” she added.

Sara enrolled her son in a public school after briefly homeschooling him. She did, however, concede that the suspension had left her emotionally scarred. “I also want to note I never fought the suspension,” she said. “I just wanted to talk to the principal and hold her accountable for not being able to do her job without bias solely based on what a kid deserves without involving his parent.”

This was not the first time the mother of four’s decision to earn a living through OnlyFans had an impact on her capacity to parent. Sara claims she was also barred from her children’s football organization prior to the suspension. “I had a similar situation with being banned from my kids’ football organizations because I did OnlyFans,” she said. “I wasn’t allowed to bring them to practice, watch their games or have any communication with coaches.”

Sara’s experience is similar to that of OnlyFans model Victoria Triece, who was instructed to resign from her volunteer position at her son’s school after a “concerned parent” sent an anonymous email to the principal regarding her day job. When Triece launched a lawsuit against the Orange County Public Schools, Sara stepped up to defend her. “When Victoria’s story hit, I messaged her because she had found an attorney willing to take on an OnlyFans case,” Sara said.

“They erased me from my kids’ lives and humiliated me for what I did in private by exposing that secret,” she added. “I am seeing Victoria fight this and bring more attention to the issue of canceling a mother for providing for her family simply because someone is insecure or wants to label it as bad or negative. It is unjust and awful.”

Sara Blake Cheek also asserted that her decisions are similar to those of many celebrities who are frequently praised. “A celebrity can film sex scenes or be topless in a movie and be praised for a weird baby name they give to their children,” she said. “This is no different other than the fact we are giving our kids normal suburban lives.” Despite being an outcast in her neighborhood, Sara went on to grace the cover of Playboy and to provide analysis on her favorite sport, American football, on ESPN.

The controversial OnlyFans celebrity launched her own management company to help other female creators on the pay-to-view service. She claimed she assisted Victoria in getting on the cover of FHM magazine, an adult periodical similar to Playboy. “When all this happened to me, I turned my heartache into drive,” Sara said. “And being able to help Victoria do the same and watch her thrive is the best revenge.”