Bullies Dump 3rd Grader Out Of His Wheelchair For Dressing Like Cop

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When an 8-year-old boy dressed up as a police officer for career day, some bullies stopped him in the hallway and assaulted him for dressing like a cop. However, once city officials heard what had happened, they ensured that the third-grader would get the last laugh.

Bullies dumped an 8-year-old boy with cerebral palsy from his wheelchair after he showed up for his school’s career day in a police uniform. (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

After his school announced that students should dress up for career day as their dream profession, 8-year-old Michael Martinez knew exactly what he wanted to be. Refusing to allow his cerebral palsy to hold him back, the boy buttoned up his pretend police uniform, pulled himself up into his wheelchair, and proudly set off to class. Sadly, he never anticipated that his dream job would make him a target for bullies.

When Michael arrived for class, students took notice of his apparel. Within seconds, a crowd had formed around the child in the hallway, and some pointed to his uniform with contempt. Soon, he was being dumped out of his wheelchair by several bullies who took offense to his admiration for law enforcement.

Michael Martinez
Michael Martinez remained calm as older students assaulted him. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Thankfully, there were other students nearby who rushed to Michael’s aid, stopping the bullies from any further harm and helping the boy back into his wheelchair. Being accustomed to facing adversity, the child had remained calm during the assault and continued about his day like a champ.

When Harris County constables heard about the incident, they were disgusted by the bullies’ behavior but also inspired by Michael’s perseverance. As such, they devised a plan to let the boy know they had his back and that he has exactly the kind of character that it takes to wear the badge.

Harris County officials made Michael Martinez an honorary deputy and escorted him to school the next day in his police uniform. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

According to KTRK, city officials announced they would honor Michael Martinez for his courage and strength by making his dream come true, swearing him in under the title of Honorary Harris County Deputy Constable. He was officially inducted into multiple offices in the county, which included recognition at six different precincts.

The very next day, Michael returned to class with his police uniform on again. This time, he arrived at the entrance of the school in the front seat of a deputy constable patrol vehicle along with a long line of police officers escorting him via motorcade. He wheeled through the doors with his head held high, proving to the bullies that he won’t cave to their intimidation.

Michael Martinez was inducted into six different precincts and given numerous gifts for his bravery. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

In addition to serving as a deputy, Michael was dubbed Honorary District Attorney’s investigator. He was also sworn in as a Junior Firefighter by Houston Fire Department’s Chief Sam Pena. However, these titles weren’t given frivolously.

Just months earlier, Michael proved his heroism by saving the lives of his entire family. The boy had heard the carbon monoxide alarm go off while sleeping on the ground floor of his home. Sensing the danger, the child managed to pull himself upstairs to wake his family, saving them from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Michael Martinez
Michael Martinez has already proven his heroism by saving his family from carbon monoxide poisoning just months earlier. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Incredibly, Michael has overcome the stereotypes and proven himself to be a true protector. Even in the face of persecution, he is benevolent and persistent, which is just what we need in the vast field of law enforcement.

No child should ever feel afraid to aspire to be a police officer. The virulent hatred and discrimination toward those in law enforcement is a detriment to our society, and it’s directly affecting our children.