A neighborhood feud in Texas between a woman and her neighbor has reached its boiling point after she posted an unusual “for sale” sign, which aired her dirty laundry and tells us everything we need to know about the two people.

Homeowner Lisa Price said the issues all started when a man rented the house next to her residence in Farmers Branch, Texas. Apparently, he started complaining about her dogs being too loud, and the feud only escalated from there. Price said that the man even went as far as to put up surveillance cameras, one pointing to the family’s backyard and the other pointing straight into the master bedroom.
“He knew we had dogs when he moved in,” Price said. Despite that knowledge, the man continued his incessant complaining about the animals. After enduring it for six months, Price reached her breaking point when she opened her mail. Seeing that she received a $121 citation from the city for a “barking dog,” she decided to put up a special sign to send her neighbor a loud and clear message.

Lisa Price is not really going to sell her home, but she thought that maybe a sign stating her home is for sale “because my neighbor’s a d*****bag” might get her point across. “The whole thing is just ridiculous,” Price said. “We put the sign up maybe hoping he’d back off, but we just would like to live peacefully. [The neighbor] is causing us to not be able to live comfortably.”
The dogs have been driving her neighbor crazy, but his complaints to the city have also added fuel to the fire. Apparently, the man who’s been complaining doesn’t have too many supporters in the neighborhood. Other residents thought that Price’s sign was rather hilarious. “I think it’s marvelous,” said neighbor Jim Jay. “It could have been a lot cruder.”

Neighbor Dede Sons said that the sign made her chuckle when she saw its message. “Posted it to Facebook, right? Can you believe this! It’s on the street across from me!” she said.
Only Ann Felton, who is the neighbor residing closest to the feuding homes, said she can see both sides of the disagreement. “The sign’s a little distasteful. It’s not what I would put out there, but it’s made its point,” she said.

Lisa Price said five police officers and a city councilman have stopped at her home and asked her to remove the sign. But, she refused. The city of Farmers Branch said the sign meets city ordinance requirements for real estate signs, so there’s nothing they can do. However, Price is willing to take it down if the man just stops complaining. “All our neighbor has to do is come over and talk to us and take the cameras down and be a nice neighbor,” Price said.
Everyone has had that annoying neighbor who, no matter what, just won’t stop complaining, and it sounds like that’s exactly what Price is dealing with. We applaud her for the creative manner in which she peacefully called him out. Hopefully, it leads to some sort of resolution that works for everyone, since nobody wants to be at odds with a neighbor.