Mom Escorts Misbehaved Daughter To Class, Has Long List Of Grievances

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When a mom received an email from the school, telling her that her daughter refused to behave, she decided to escort her child to class. After a day at her daughter’s school, the mother then took to social media with what she learned, and her long list of grievances is eye-opening.

Kristina Brandy Mom Escorts Misbehaved Daughter To Class Ends Up With Long List Of Grievances
Kristina Brandy (Photo Credit: Facebook)

After Kristina Brandy received an email from her child’s teacher, explaining that her daughter was misbehaving at school, the Missouri mom decided to spend the day as an 8th grader. And, she even donned the perfect outfit for the school day with her daughter. Wearing a shirt that read, “I’m Here Cause My Child Won’t Behave,” Kristina went from class to class with her kid, and she couldn’t believe what she saw.

“She is pissed,” Kristina admitted in a Facebook post that included a photo of her, standing next to her daughter at school. “I think she forgot who her mother is… She gone learn today,” Kristina added. But, her daughter wasn’t the only one who got a lesson that day. In fact, Kristina had such an enlightening experience, she decided to return to Facebook to share everything she saw in the few hours she spent at school.

Kristina Brandy Mom Escorts Misbehaved Daughter To Class Ends Up With Long List Of Grievances
Kristina Brandy at school with her daughter (Photo Credit: Facebook)

“During my day as an 8th grader I took note of a few things,” Kristina’s follow-up post began. Then, she got right down to business, listing off all the things she had discovered. First, “These kids are bad as hell,” she admitted, adding, “These kids are disrespectful.” She continued, “There should be a lot more parents taking a day at school to see how their child behaves.”

After seeing how the children acted, Kristina said, “Teachers are Angel’s sent from heaven,” admitting, “I couldn’t do it,” and that she “wanted to choke about 6 kids.” Saying that “these little girls are EXTRA Grown,” Kristina then told parents, “If your middle school child has a sew-in and fake nails… YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM.”

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The school wasn’t without fault in Kristina Brandy’s assessment. “School lunch is horrible. I feel like an unfit parent for subjecting my children to eat that stuff,” she wrote. According to Kristina, lunchtime was “chaotic” and treated like “a prison meal time.” She found the dismissal process “chaotic” as well and said, “There must be a better way.”

But, overall, the Missouri mother’s focus was on the kids and what students and their parents should be doing to improve the school experience and children’s behavior. “Teachers spend more time policing kids on their cell phones,” Kristina wrote. “Parents, your child does not need their phone at school,” she continued. “We survived without them, they will be fine. It’s a distraction.”

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Further addressing the parents, Kristina said, “It’s ok to remind your kids that they are kids and be respectful to adults. These kids have 0 respect.” Then, she told them, “Get involved with your child in school….the teachers appreciate you and your child with appreciate you later in life.” In conclusion, Kristina wrote, “My daughter is PISSED at me for showing up, but she knows that I love her and only want what’s best for her.”

Kristina Brandy’s list of revelations quickly began to go viral as other parents applauded her efforts and her honesty. Some even decided to follow suit. “It’s a Movement Baby! When you inspire another parent to show up and show out! She sent me a photo. Way to go Patty Perez! #SupportOurSchools,” Kristina wrote in yet another post, this one accompanied by another mother who decided to do what Kristina had done, shirt and all.

Kristina Brandy Mom Escorts Misbehaved Daughter To Class Ends Up With Long List Of Grievances
Another mother sent Kristina Brandy this photo after deciding to do as the Missouri mom had done. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Indeed, Kristina Brandy’s actions and her evaluation remind us that, when it comes to our children and school, it is a team effort between parents and educators. Parents need to take responsibility for their children’s behavior, and morals and values must be taught at home. Responsibility, respect, accountability, common courtesy, and integrity are all things children should learn before they are sent off to school. As parents, we are our child’s first teacher, and these lessons need to be learned early. Parents should parent, so teachers can teach.

Simply put, it’s not up to the school to raise our children and teach them to be decent human beings with manners. That’s a parent’s responsibility. When parents step up to that task, as Kristina Brandy did, our children will receive a better education at school, where teachers can spend their time on academic education rather than disciplining unruly students. Kudos to this mom for giving her daughter the life lesson on behavior that she needed rather than relying on the school to do it for her.