Man Attempts Armed Robbery Of Food Truck, God Intervenes

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A hardworking grandmother with a talent for cooking was operating her food truck in Houston, Texas. However, her worst nightmare came true when a man put a gun in her face and attempted to rob her in broad daylight. That’s when God intervened and made the criminal regret his poor decisions.

Keshondra Howard Turner
Keshondra Howard Turner (Credit: YouTube)

A grandmother turned the tables on an armed robber, and some are calling it a miracle, the New York Post reported. Keshondra Howard Turner was working at her soul food truck called Elite Eats in southwest Houston. The hardworking grandmother specializes in “ox tail, pork chops, fried chicken, and wings.” However, disaster struck.

Police said a would-be robber pulled up in a black truck to Elite Eats around 1 pm and asked what kind of food the truck served. Keshondra turned away to show the man some of her fried chicken. That’s when the armed man suddenly stuck a gun in the window, KHOU News reported. The grandmother was able to close the window, but the man forcefully opened it back up.

Keshondra Howard Turner
The Houston soul food truck called Elite Eats is owned and operated by Keshondra Howard Turner. (Credit: YouTube)

At that point, the man, who was reported to be twenty-three years old, put his arm inside the food truck while pointing the gun at Keshondra Turner. That’s when the suspect tried to shoot her— but his gun jammed. The grandmother was able to pull out her own firearm and shoot the man several times, police said. He collapsed about 50 feet away from his truck and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Keshondra is licensed to carry, police confirmed. Her son, Derrick Howard, acted as the family spokesman. “My momma is a great person, you know? Good-hearted, looking out for everybody. She’d give the shirt off her back,” Derrick said. “I hope she’s alright because I know right now she’s going crazy because that’s not even (like) her.”

Derrick Howard and his mother-in-law Jacqueline Mitchell (Credit: YouTube)

HPD officials said Keshondra had a panic attack after the shooting. She was taken to an area hospital for treatment. “This is devastating to us,” Derrick Howard’s mother-in-law Jacqueline Mitchell said at the scene. Keshondra was lucky to be a concealed carry holder who had her gun ready when a deadly threat came her way.

“Yes, she’s licensed to carry just in case something may happen,” Jacqueline said. “So, yes we have the gun all the time.” But more so, she was lucky the criminal’s gun jammed. Her family believes there was a reason for that. “She’s a Godly woman,” Jacqueline said. “That’s why the gun jammed because God jammed it.”

The family said they had been operating the food truck in that same parking lot for three years prior to the incident and never had any problems. “We had only made 40 dollars today,” Derrick Howard said. “So, another guy who lost his life over 40 dollars. It’s a shame.”

Jacqueline Mitchell offered some advice to criminals. “People need to get a job,” she said. “And stop trying to rob people… because some people are trying to make an honest living.” Keshondra Howard Turner’s loved ones say she’s lucky to be alive, and they credit her firearm and the moment God intervened.