A cop-hating teen, who resided in an apartment complex that overlooked the funeral procession for a slain officer, decided to blast the song “F—k Tha Police” in a show of utter disrespect. However, the teenager’s plan to humiliate the slain officer backfired, big time.

As thousands of New York cops gathered to mourn the loss of a female police officer, who was brutally killed in the line of duty, a cop-hating teenager had another plan. The young man, who identified himself as Julien Rodriguez, defiantly blasted the NWA song “F—k Tha Police” out his third-floor apartment window, claiming it was “satisfying” to play the song on repeat from his apartment on East 188th Street.
About 20 officers went up to the apartment to try to halt the music, with one cop speaking to the teen in Spanish about his own time growing up as a Latino in the city, law enforcement sources said. According to the New York Post, Rodriguez said he eventually “apologized to the cops — but only because the building super threatened to toss his family out of their home if he didn’t.”
“I apologized because it was between the house and apologizing,” Rodriguez declared.

Police officers at the funeral were infuriated by the show of utter disrespect. “This is the s–t we face every day,” a police source said. The cop-hating teen also told The Post that his older brother and best friend were unjustifiably killed by cops.
“Since they did not show respect for my brother and my friend, why should I show respect to them?” the teen stated.
However, that claim did not pan out. The names Rodriguez gave to The Post were researched, but the paper could not find any record of their deaths. Meanwhile, the cop-hater thought he had gotten away with the humiliating jest, but one man who supports the police happened to be the superintendent of the apartment complex. Three days after the funeral, super Danny Morales ordered the tenant to get rid of Julien Rodriguez and his older sister, who had been staying in the tenant’s third-floor pad.

“I called him and told him he needs to take care of this right away,” Morales said. “I told him it’s disrespectful and they can’t be doing this. The police lost a family member. We all need to come together and respect that.” Morales also said he was especially offended because his nephew, Saul Quiles-Morales, is a cop assigned to the nearby 40th Precinct. “I wouldn’t want to see him lying in a box also. We need to respect the police,” he added.
The tenant, who identified himself only as “Jesus,” called the teen and his sister “lowlifes” and insisted he had no idea that they would pull something so egregious. “They’re gone. The case is closed. They’re no longer in my house. I don’t know where they went,” he added.

The teen’s sister, Suleika Rodriguez, complained that her brother has been threatened over his anti-cop antics, saying, “I got people on Facebook telling him, ‘You’re wrong.'” She added, “I don’t give a f–k. I already have an apartment,” but she refused to further discuss her housing plans.
Julien Rodriguez may have been emboldened by the murderer who shot the female officer in the head. Convicted felon Alexander Bonds fatally shot New York Police Officer Miosotis Familia while she sat in her police vehicle. According to reports, Bonds’s online anti-cop rhetoric echoes the Black Lives Matter-inspired vitriol spewed by previous cop assassins over the last few years. Who really knows why these individuals do what they do, but the dangerous, politically motivated cop hatred that Rodriguez and Bonds shared has become prevalent in America and should be denounced by every elected leader today.