Teens Beat, Rob Pregnant Woman On Train As She Tries To Protect Baby

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While riding a train in Chicago, a pregnant mother was savagely attacked by a group of teens. The woman fell to the ground when one of the girls hit her in the back of her head as she desperately scrambled to protect her unborn child.

Teens attacked a pregnant woman on one of Chicago’s Red Line trains. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

As efforts to dismantle the police are implemented, crimes against minority groups only escalate. Of course, the subway is one particular area in which violence is on the rise. Unfortunately, when 28-year-old JuaTonna Davis stepped onto a CTA Red Line train one evening, she had no idea she’d be the next target.

When it comes to violent crime in major cities, Chicago undeniably takes the cake. As law enforcement officers find it more difficult to properly police, thanks to budget cuts and ever-increasing anti-police sentiment, minorities are the ones who suffer the most at the hands of ruthless criminals.

JuaTonna Davis
JuaTonna Davis, who was four weeks pregnant at the time, was brutally beaten and robbed by a group of teens. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Davis, who was four weeks pregnant at the time, and her friend were approached by a group of teen girls shortly after entering the passenger car, according to WLS. After a brief but cordial conversation, Davis realized why the girls had struck up a dialogue with her.

“One of the girls comes over and says, ‘Oh you’re over here talking to these Bs. We’re talking about robbing them and you’re flirting with them,’ in front of us,'” Davis explained.

When the train pulled into Roosevelt station, the girls tried to block Davis and her friend from exiting. Suddenly, the teens launched their attack, hitting Davis in the back of the head and causing her to fall to the ground. The teens then proceeded to kick and stomp the pregnant mother as she lay helpless on the floor.

“The whole time I’m thinking on the ground, at this point, I’m praying because I have a 4-year-old and an unborn child,” she said. “Anything could’ve happened.

“I feel people kicking me, going through my pockets, they attacked us,” said Davis. “The whole time my friend was yelling, ‘She’s pregnant, she’s pregnant, don’t fight her, she’s pregnant!'”

Police released photos of the teen suspects, which includes four females and two males. (Photo Credit: Chicago Police Department)
Two female suspects were arrested and charged with robbery and aggravated battery. (Photo Credit: Chicago Police Department)

After the attack, the teens fled and Davis was rushed to Mercy Hospital. Fortunately, the only injuries she sustained were some bruised ribs, CBS reports. She reported several of her belongings missing, police confirmed.

Police later released photos of the suspects, which include four females and two males. However, only two of the girls could be identified. They were soon arrested and charged with robbery and aggravated battery. Because they are minors, their names were withheld from the public.

JuaTonna Davis
JuaTonna Davis escaped with minor injuries and her unborn baby was unharmed, but she is now afraid to ride on the subway. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Davis has since recovered from the incident, and her unborn baby was left unharmed. Now, she must deal with the psychological impact of such an attack, as the train is her primary form of transport.

“The train is my transportation. I’m scared to get on the train. I don’t feel protected,” she said.

The attack occurred just hours before a 61-year-old man and 21-year-old male were also beaten and robbed by a group of teens on a train near State Street. It’s unclear whether the teens are the same suspects who brutalized Davis later that day.

The more policing is restricted in high-crime areas, the more crime increases. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

As police are prevented from policing areas with high criminal activity, crime increases. Sadly, the vast majority of these areas are poor, minority neighborhoods. Disturbingly, the agenda to defund and ultimately abolish the police will hurt these minorities the most.

Contrary to the claims of anti-police activists, more policing is what’s needed in these areas. Until then, minorities will continue to suffer at the hands of these violent criminals.