Man Beaten After Sex With 13-Year-Old, Blames Child And Her Family

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When a man was caught in the middle of a sex act with a 13-year-old girl, her family immediately began wailing on him, leaving him in rough shape. However, the sex offender and his mother now say that he shouldn’t have been beaten up and that the child victim is to blame.

Javionne Thomas Beaten After Having Sex With 13-Year-Old Blames Child And Her Family
After being caught having sex with a 13-year-old girl, Javionne Thomas, 18, blames the victim and her family. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

In the early morning hours, a Lousiana family walked in on what would be a horrific sight for any parent. The relatives caught Javionne Thomas in the act of having sex with their 13-year-old daughter in her bedroom. Of course, as most protective parents would, they literally took matters into their own hands, raining down blows on the intruder.

When Monroe Police finally arrived on the scene, Thomas had sustained minor injuries from the beating, which were evident by the cuts and bruises all over his face. However, instead of going quietly with the arresting officers, Thomas decided to place the blame where he believed it’s deserved.

Javionne Thomas Beaten After Having Sex With 13-Year-Old Blames Child And Her Family
Javionne Thomas was charged with carnal knowledge of a minor child but blames the victim, claiming the sex was consensual. (Photo Credit: Ouachita Parish Jail)

According to News Star, Thomas told police officers that not only was the minor child to blame but that her family was wrong to beat him up. Additionally, Thomas claimed that there was no way he couldn’t have known that the 13-year-old girl was underage and that because the sex was consensual, he did nothing wrong.

During Thomas’ arrest, the child victim initially told police that she didn’t want to have sex with the man, suggesting that the act was non-consensual. However, she soon recanted and claimed that it was consensual sex when her mother told officers that the family wanted to pursue criminal charges.

Javionne Thomas’ mother, Janae Young, claims that her son was “put in this situation” by the child. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Although Thomas reported the beating as an assault to Monroe Police, he declined to pursue charges of battery against the family members. After his release from the hospital for his injuries, Thomas was booked into Ouachita Correctional Center and bail was set at $50,000 for one count of felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile.

Thomas was soon bonded out by his mother. However, he hasn’t let his impending plea hearing stop him from slandering the sole victim in the case all over the internet. Shortly after his release, Thomas wrote that he was “set up” by the child, adding that he won’t be hooking up with any girl who doesn’t prove that she is of legal age.

“If y’all can’t send me an ID I can’t FWY (f*** with you)… I’ll never be set up like that again,” he wrote on Facebook.

Javionne Thomas Beaten After Having Sex With 13-Year-Old Blames Child And Her Family
Javionne Thomas has expressed no remorse and instead claims that he was “set up” by the underage girl. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

It wasn’t long before Thomas’ mother, Janae Young, jumped in on the victim-blaming. Young took to social media to justify her son’s behavior, blaming the minor victim and claiming that Thomas was “put in this situation” by the underage girl.

“I really hate he was put in this situation. When the incident happened my son told the police what happened. He never lied about anything. do you honestly think he would be so honest knowing how old this girl was. She was the one that lied to my son and lied to the police,” Young wrote.

In several lengthy rants, Young argued that she is “a damn good mother” and warned that she would defend Thomas at all costs. Throughout several posts, Young and her family members continued to blame “lil gurls” for ruining their adult sons’ lives, placing the responsibility entirely on children.

Janae Young and her family members continue to blame “lil gurls” for ruining their adult sons’ lives. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Thomas continues to take no responsibility for his actions, absolving himself of any wrongdoing. In fact, he and his mother claim that he is the victim and that the minor child should be held responsible for the situation.

The fact that Young and her adult son are blaming a child, whose brain hasn’t fully developed and who cannot legally consent, for her son’s actions is pathetic and despicable. As a grown man, Thomas should’ve confirmed himself that the child was of a legal age, which he could’ve easily done. His remorselessness is just as appalling as his absurd justification for his offense.