VIDEO: Student Beats Teacher, Juvenile Detention Sends Him Home

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When a Georgia high school student began ruthlessly beating a teacher, it took several staff members to restrain him. However, after the violent student was sent to juvenile detention, he was immediately released back to his parents. Was this the appropriate action? Watch the video and decide.

A violent brawl at Atlanta’s Frederick Douglass High School has ended in controversial fashion. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

When a brawl broke out between two students at a Frederic Douglass High School teacher’s class in Atlanta, he had no choice but to step directly into the scuffle in an attempt to stop the fight. What he never expected was that he’d end up being the target of one of the teens’ wrath.

High schools across America have become breeding grounds for belligerent, unruly, and even violent teens. Of course, thanks to restrictive legislation, there’s not much that teachers and staff members can do when it comes to disciplining disrespectful and aggressive minors.

Frederic Douglass High School Student Relentlessly Beats Teacher Juvenile Detention Sends Him Home
When a teacher attempted to break up a brawl between two students, one of the teens turned his wrath on the educator. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Atlanta Public Schools (APS) confirmed that a student stormed into the teacher’s classroom unannounced and confronted another student. The argument apparently erupted into a fistfight in the middle of the classroom as the other students watched in horror.

According to WSB, the incident occurred at Frederic Douglass High School and was captured on camera by a student’s cell phone. The video shows the teen who initiated the confrontation turning his aggression toward the teacher, standing over him and relentlessly punching the man in the face.

The teacher had attempted to break up the brawling students when he was suddenly attacked. The man found himself unable or possibly unwilling to fight back, allowing the enraged student to brutally beat him until staff members burst through the door.

The video shows that not one student attempt to intervene as their teacher was being viciously attacked. Near the end of the footage, staff members tackled the teen and pinned him to the ground, ending the one-sided brawl. The student can then be heard yelling, “He grabbed me! He grabbed me!” ironically as if to blame the teacher for assaulting him.

Frederic Douglass High School Student Relentlessly Beats Teacher Juvenile Detention Sends Him Home
The juvenile detention center refused to take the student, allowing him to be released back to his parents. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

The footage has made waves across social media. Still, what has viewers outraged the most is the aftermath of the incident. According to WTSP, an APS police officer responded to the situation and placed the student under arrest. However, the Fulton County Juvenile Detention Center refused to take the minor into custody, leaving authorities no choice but to release him.

The teen was handed back over to his parents. However, he still faces an assault charge. The teacher at the center of the attack was transported to Grady Hospital with minor injuries and was later discharged.

In a statement, Atlanta Public Schools said, “safety and security of students and staff is a top priority in APS.”

Frederic Douglass High School Student Relentlessly Beats Teacher Juvenile Detention Sends Him Home
The school has said that both students will face discipline for their involvement in the brawl. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Both students involved in the brawl face disciplinary action from the school district, although their punishment wasn’t divulged. The school is apparently holding both students accountable for the fight.

Both he and the student he fought will be disciplined in “accordance with the APS code of student conduct,” the district said.

The video showcases the disturbing trend flooding the American school system. Unfortunately, officials seem to have no answers as the issue only grows more concerning.