Florida Fisherman Bitten, Dragged Into Water In Horrifying Attack

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In the heart of the Everglades, a Florida fisherman dismissed his buddy’s warning about washing his hands off in the water. Within an instant, the man was grabbed and pulled into the water, leaving viewers horrified.

Everglades shark
A Florida fisherman made a common mistake after reeling in a catch in the Everglades. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

While Florida attracts thousands of tourists each year due to its sunny weather and beautiful beaches, there are many dangers that locals know all too well. Lurking just below the surface of the coastal state’s serene waters are many predators that even the most seasoned fisherman fears.

A disturbing video has emerged of one such attack in the murky waters of the infamous Everglades, which is notorious for a variety of flora and fauna. The incident occurred just after a few fishermen were cleaning up their gear after a haul, which nearly cost one of the young men his life.

Fisherman Michael Russo (pictured) witnessed his friend pulled out of the boat head-first in the Everglades. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Professional fisherman Michael Russo can be heard saying to his buddy, “I wouldn’t put your hands in there,” as his friend, identified only as Nick, washes residue from the latest catch off his forearms, The New York Post reported. The man shrugs off his pal’s warning, replying, “Ah, two seconds won’t do anything.” Tragically, that was more than enough time for the beast waiting below just out of sight.

Before Nick can react, a lemon shark lunges toward him, latching onto his right hand and yanking him head-first into the water. As he falls, he makes a failed attempt to grab the side of the boat, leaving behind a bloody handprint.

“Get him! Get him! Get him!” the friend screams in a panic as another person on board yells, “Oh my God!”

Luckily, the shark lost its grip on Nick’s hand, allowing him to bob up out of the water and swim for the side of the boat. In seconds, the other fishermen reached down and snatched him up out of the water before the creature could strike again.

“He was rushed back to the dock and the Park Rangers were a lifesaver (literally),” Russo explained. “He was airlifted to the hospital and is in the best care possible.”

Michael Russo wrote about the ordeal with the lemon shark, detailing the horrific event. He explained that the sharks are very aggressive in the area.

“Today was one of the scariest days on the water I have ever had. It started off great and we were crushing the fish but the sharks were eating some, despite our best efforts,” Russo wrote. “After releasing a snook, Nick washed his hands in the water and was immediately bit by a large [lemon] shark. There was no chum or blood in the water and the sharks were unprovoked. The sharks are no joke in the Everglades and the warnings about keeping your hands out of the water are not an exaggeration. Please take this as a lesson and keep your hands out of the water because this could have been prevented.”

Everglades shark
Luckily, the shark lost its grip and the other fisherman were able to pull Nick back into the boat. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Sharks often congregate in popular fishing spots because they have learned to associate the sound of boat motors with fish, a Florida state Instagram account explained.

A few Bud ‘n Mary’s captains shared their firsthand perspective on the issue: “We have been telling anyone that would listen that we have a major shark problem in the Everglades and Islamorada. Hands in the water is a bad move after releasing a fish,” says Captain Perry Scuderi.

Experienced fishermen are avoiding these areas because of the risk of losing fish or possibly life and limb.

Captain Mike Venezia also chimed in, “I could show you a dozen places where there are packs of these lemon sharks lurking below. We can’t fish in those areas anymore because it’s so bad. Anywhere from the size of the one in this video to 250lbs plus.”

Michael Russo is using the video to warn others not to stick their hands in the water after making a catch. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

While lemon sharks are not considered much of a threat to humans, they are more than capable of attacking and killing. In fact, the only recorded attacks on human beings have been in Florida and the Caribbean.

Although it is a common routine for fishermen, Michael Russo wants others to heed his warning not to wash their hands off in the water just after reeling in a catch. The risk is far too great and, as he has witnessed with his own eyes, two seconds is all it takes.