Man Must Give Police 24-Hr Notice If He Wants To Have Sex

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A man has been banned from “unnecessary” contact with women and must give the police a 24-hour notice if he wishes to have sex with a woman. Oddly enough, he’s never even been convicted of any sex crime to warrant such a punishment.

Despite no criminal conviction, a man has been court ordered to inform police before having sex. (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

In one of the most bizarre cases to come out of the justice system, a man has been reprimanded by the courts to abstain from almost all contact with women. Perhaps the strangest element is that 39-year-old Dean Dyer was sentenced but never actually convicted of any related crimes, raising all kinds of questions about judicial precedent.

Westminster Magistrates Court District Judge Michael Snow ordered Dyer to avoid all “unnecessary” contact with women and to notify law enforcement officers 24 hours in advance if he wished to engage in sexual contact with a woman. In fact, the only females he is allowed to speak to are those not “necessarily avoidable in the course of daily life,” Court News UK reports. As such, if he plans to have consensual sexual contact with a woman, he must also inform the woman 24 hours beforehand. Any violation of this Sexual Risk Order could earn him a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison.

The judge said Dyer is to have “no contact with any child under the age of 18 or any adult woman which is not necessarily avoidable in the course of daily life or without the express consent of the child’s guardian or the woman in question after having been informed of the terms of this order and consent can only be given after they have been made aware of this order. Mr. Dyer is prohibited from engaging in any sexual activity with a female person unless he has notified the person and police in the area in which Mr. Dyer resides 24 hours in advance or within 24 hours of the activity.”

Dean Dyer
Dean Dyer was ordered to give a 24-hour notice to both police and the intended female before having sex. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

The restrictions are particularly unusual since Dyer has not been convicted of any sex-related crime. However, this isn’t to say he hasn’t been implicated in several. During the hearing, Judge Snow listed 7 allegations against him made by multiple women. In a dramatic showing, Dyer yawned loudly over and over again as the judge read out the accusations.

First, Dyer was accused of raping a woman in her own home over a decade earlier. Several years later, he allegedly asked a 14-year-old girl for her phone number and began texting her sexually explicit messages. Additionally, he told her he wanted to have sex with her. Dyer was never convicted because the girl apparently deleted the messages.

Judge Michael Snow ruled that even though Dean Dyer was not convicted of a sex crime, there have been enough allegations against him to restrict his contact with women. (Photo Credit: Pexels)

Dyer was again accused of sexual assault by another woman a year later. A woman claims she met him at a party and resisted his advances. She says that Dyer groped her and threatened to rape her when she rejected him. She later allowed him to stay over but insisted that there would be no sexual contact. Dyer allegedly molested her after she fell asleep and again threatened to rape her when she awoke, kicked him out, and called the police.

When Dyer was arrested after leaving the woman’s apartment, he turned his abuse toward a female police officer. The prosecutor explained that Dyer threatened to rape the officer’s daughter.

Dean Dyer
At least 7 allegations of sexual abuse and threats have been made against Dean Dyer by multiple women. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Several years later, Dyer was accused of groping a woman’s buttocks but was acquitted of this charge. Less than 5 months later, he was accused of attempting to rape another woman who wanted to buy drugs from him. Just 7 months after that, a different woman accused Dyer of punching her, grabbing her, and then vaginally and orally raping her. Weeks later, another woman alleged that Dyer tried to rape her at his home but was unable to obtain an erection.

The prosecution admitted that while all the accusations from multiple women could be fabricated, it is more likely that they are telling the truth, considering he has had numerous allegations leveled against him since he was 21 years old. The court hopes that the order will make any woman willing to engage in sexual contact with him aware of his alleged history.

Dean Dyer must avoid all “unnecessary” contact with women in his daily life. (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

While it’s disturbing that Dyer has had so many allegations of sexual abuse against him, the court’s decision to sentence a man without ever having convicted him is deeply concerning.

If the court believes there is enough evidence to sentence Dyer, why wouldn’t they go through the proper procedures and convict him first? Unfortunately, this sets a dangerous precedent for anyone who is falsely accused of a crime.