Heartbroken Mom Buries Dog, Finds Out Days Later She’s Alive

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When a mom had to bury her dog after a tragic accident, she and her family were heartbroken. However, just days after the gutwrenching goodbye, the grieving family would receive word that would knock them for a loop — their beloved pet was alive.

Codie Hutton’s beloved dog, Maisie. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Codie Hutton of Crowfield, Suffolk in East Anglia, England faced her worst nightmare when her beloved female springer spaniel named Maisie bolted from her car and quickly disappeared. Codie had driven to Melton Playing Fields, where Maisie suddenly “bolted and ran out of sight” after a firework went off, the BBC reported. That began a 5-day ordeal that felt like a “rollercoaster,” according to the 26-year-old woman and her family.

“It was my worst nightmare,” Codie admitted, speaking of the moment Maisie disappeared. “It was still quite early, there shouldn’t have been any fireworks going off,” she added.

But, there were fireworks, and Maisie had taken off after getting spooked by the pyrotechnic display. Of course, Codie searched for her pet, but to no avail. Then, she got the news no pet owner wants to hear. Maisie was spotted going towards Ufford, where she was allegedly clipped by a car, Codie recalled.

Codie Hutton
Codie Hutton with her beloved dog, Maisie. (Photo Credit: Facebook)
Spooked by fireworks, Maisie had bolted from Codie Hutton’s car. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Unfortunately, Maisie reportedly disappeared once again, and the search for her continued for another two nights, during which Codie even camped in a field, where Maisie had reportedly been spotted. However, the next day, Codie was told an animal’s body, thought to be Maisie’s, had been found flattened on the road in Clopton, Daily Mail reported.

“It tied in with the last sighting, and from the body alone, it just looked like Maisie,” Codie said.

The grief-stricken woman and her family gathered what they thought were Maisie’s remains and buried them in their garden along with her favorite bed and a photo of Maisie with Codie’s young son. Like Codie, her three-year-old son Taylen was “devastated” as they held the burial for Maisie along with many members of their family.

“My mum, dad, two brothers, nan, my nan’s partner, and my best friend was [sic] there for the burial,” Codie recalled. “I told Taylen she was a star in doggy heaven now. It was devastating.”

Codie Hutton buried what she thought was her beloved dog, Maisie. (Photo Credit: Facebook)
Codie Hutton
Codie Hutton and Maisie (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Although she thought her dog was dead and buried, Codie continued to receive reports and phone calls, alleging that Maisie had been sighted several miles away. So, with the help of Finding Ipswich Dogs Organisation (FIDO), a volunteer group and team of 20 people, the search for Maisie resumed — and it’s a good thing it did.

Much to Codie’s shock and disbelief, Maisie was found in Wichham Market, and some 48 hours after the nine-year-old dog had been buried, she was reunited with her family. As it turns out, the remains that were found weren’t Maisie at all. Instead, Codie believes it was the body of a fox that was mistakenly buried after believing it was her dog, Maisie.

“I thought she was gone. I thought I was never going to see her again. I still couldn’t believe it was my Maisie,” Codie said. “It’s been a rollercoaster,” she added. “I will never forget it, that’s for sure,” she continued. “I felt shocked, lost for words, and overjoyed when we found Maisie,” Codie furthered, adding, “She was just crying with excitement.”

After her adventure, Maisie didn’t seem any worse for wear. Although she had an infection in her eyes, ears, and stomach, Codie said Maisie was not injured, and she quickly expressed gratitude to all of those who helped bring Maisie home even after they thought she was dead and gone.

“I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who shared the post and who helped us search for Maisie,” a grateful Codie said.

Sam French, who runs FIDO, decided to use the ordeal to raise awareness and urge people organizing firework displays to post details on social media community groups so dog owners are aware. Although “it was a really great outcome for Maisie,” according to Sam French, “as a society, we need to think about the impact fireworks have on dogs.”