In a touching and emotional moment that reminds us of the profound power of a mother’s love, a deaf baby was captured on camera as she heard her mom say “I love you” for the first time. Her reaction is one you just have to see.

Christy Keane and her husband, Daniel, didn’t think much of it when their newborn daughter Charlotte, affectionately called “Charly,” failed her first hearing test. Christy, a former NICU nurse and military wife, chalked it up to fluid in the ears. However, after four days and more failed tests, the Virginia Beach parents were faced with the unexpected revelation that Charly was born profoundly deaf, Fox59 reported.
“It was shocking,” Christy admitted to Good Housekeeping. “I had never met a deaf person in my life until my daughter,” she added. “I cried, I didn’t understand, and I didn’t know what life was going to look like.” However, Christy’s attitude quickly changed after doing some research and deciding that she would do whatever it took to improve Charly’s future.
In addition to American Sign Language to help them communicate, the parents planned to get Charly cochlear implants, but that would have to wait until she was closer to a year old. “We’re choosing to do cochlear implants for her and we’re doing total communication, so we’re learning to sign and she’s going to hopefully develop beautiful spoken language as well with those resources,” Christy explained.
In the meantime, Charly was fitted with hearing aids when she was two months old, and for the first time in her life, Charly got to hear the three most cherished words of all from her mother: “I love you.” The moment was emotional for all involved, even little Charly, who had a magical response as she finally discovered the world of sound, and thankfully, it was captured on video by her dad, Daniel.
The moment is made all the more impactful when we realize how much Charly had missed out on, up until the point she was fitted with hearing aids. She hadn’t heard the heartfelt prayers that her parents lifted up during pregnancy or the warm words of welcome as she entered this world. She’d missed hearing soothing lullabies, too. But, finally, she was able to hear her mother’s voice as Christy expressed her heartfelt love for her child, and Charly’s response said it all.
As seen in the clip, little Charly’s face lit up with wonder and curiosity at the sound of her mother’s voice. Then, tears welled up in her little eyes as Christy had the opportunity to utter those three powerful words. It was as if Charly not only heard but also comprehended the profound love and warmth behind her mother’s spoken message.
Making the moment all the more extraordinary, Charly’s parents weren’t even sure whether or not she would hear anything at all. So, it’s easy to understand how Christy and Daniel were rendered almost speechless, facing overwhelming emotions during this deep connection as they realized their daughter was hearing for the first time.
On Instagram, Christy further elaborated on the depth of their surprise and delight, emphasizing the heartfelt emotion that she felt Charly conveyed in her expression. “I had never seen her SMILE with as much light and stillness in her eyes before this moment. She coo’ed, she mimicked, she awed, and she amazed,” Christy wrote.
Wanting to share the “miracle moment” with family and friends, Christy posted it to social media. Initially, she didn’t plan on making the video public. However, as relatives asked her to do so in order for them to share it with their friends, the stay-at-home mother of two explained she happily obliged, not expecting what would happen next.
“I thought, ‘Oh, what’s the harm? I’ll make it public,” she said. “And then, I think I woke up the next day with a thousand shares and by Monday it had hit a million.” She’s since continued to share Charly’s journey on Instagram as her little one explores new sounds with the help of her hearing aids and, eventually, her cochlear implant.
It’s easy to see why this remarkable moment went viral. Christy Keane’s interaction with her daughter, Charly, serves as a warm reminder of the power of love and the beautiful bond that exists between a mother and her child. It also underscores the resilience of the human spirit in overcoming challenges.
Christy Keane and little Charly remind us that miracles can happen and love can transcend all boundaries. Hopefully, it left you encouraged to cherish the moments that truly matter and inspired by the enduring bond that should be shared between parent and child. Something so beautiful never gets old.