Outrage Ensues After Mister Rogers Goes Viral: ‘Trigger Warning’

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Fred Rogers, the man behind the beloved children’s TV show, sparked outrage after one of his vintage videos went viral. It caused some people to place a “trigger warning” on the clip.

Fred Rogers
Fred Rogers singing Everybody’s Fancy on his children’s TV show (Credit: YouTube)

No one would have believed that Fred Rogers would spark controversy decades after his children’s show stopped airing across the country. According to reports, an old video of beloved children’s television host went viral showing him singing his song, Everybody’s Fancy. The lyrics are about the differences between the biological sexes.

The song, which is more than 40 years old, seemingly caused an uproar on social media after it resurfaced and was shared by many social media users. “Boys are boys from the beginning. If you were born a boy, you stay a boy,” Rogers sings in the clip. “Girls are girls right from the start. If you were born a girl, you stay a girl, and grow up to be a lady. Everybody’s fancy, Everybody’s fine. Your body’s fancy and so is mine.” Later. Rogers also sings, “Only girls can be the mommies. Only boys can be the daddies.”

Fred Rogers changing into his tennis shoes was his signature move at the beginning of every show while singing: Won’t You be My Neighbor (Credit: YouTube)

However, there’s something else that has caused controversy. Another clip also resurfaced in which Fred Rogers appeared on late-night with Johnny Carson and seemingly hinted that the song’s purpose was to teach kids about the differences between biological sexes to dispel any ideas about becoming or changing into something else.

“Sometimes children think that they might change — they might have to change after a while,” Rogers said in his interview with Carson. “And you know, we laugh about that now, but it’s because we had that concern when we were little.” Carson responded in jest, “Yeah, because you’re really not sure and you thought maybe you’d become a girl, or a girl would become a boy, right?” Rogers simply answers, “Exactly.”


The clip of Fred Rogers (a.k.a. Mister Rogers) circulated on TikTok before moving to Twitter. “TRIGGER WARNING,” reads the post of Dr. Jebra Faushay. “This is the most upsetting thing you will see all weekend.” Others pushed back on that assessment. “Soon the left will be screaming, ‘Mr. Rogers is worse than Hitler!!!’ posted one fan of the TV icon.

“It’s not like they haven’t tried to cancel lauded philanthropists in the past. Dr. Seuss comes to mind,” wrote another commenter. “But they keep telling us reality is what you decide it is,” posted another social media user. “I seem to have missed the calls for science to be banned because it doesn’t support what they think reality is.”

Fred Rogers
Fred Rogers and Johnny Carson during an interview from 1980 (Credit: YouTube)

Another commenter turned to his Christian faith to explain the outrage. “It isn’t just to confuse and corrupt children,” he wrote. “The purpose of all these leftwing degenerate perversions is to tear down the perfect union of husband and wife as designed by God. Satan hates God and works to corrupt the most amazing gift God gave us in the union of husband and wife, and the children that are meant to come from said union.”

He ended his remark by posting: “Anything that prevents men and women from enjoying the gift of true sexual union God designed for us – via all the satanically inspired corrupt degeneracy, particularly in ways that harm children, is the goal of all the disgusting grooming debauchery and the deliberate efforts of indoctrinators to confuse children….they are the prey these evil predators are after.”

“What the actual Fred Rogers thought of transgenderism nobody will ever know,” reporter Paul Bois wrote. “In some ways, the resurfaced clip echoes a previous clip from woke leftist Bill Nye speaking of biological sex long before he went full-throttle pro-transgender on his Netflix series Bill Nye Saves the World.” 

“Inside each of our cells are these things called chromosomes, and they control whether we become a boy or a girl,” Nye said on his show in 1996. “Your mom has two X chromosomes in all of her cells, and your dad has one X and one Y chromosome in each of his cells…X you’re a girl, Y you’re a boy.”