While delivering a pizza, a Papa John’s employee was held up by a pair of armed teens who took aim directly at the delivery driver’s head. In response, the pizza chain employee pulled out a concealed carry firearm and shot the armed robbers. However, the driver is now facing a possible grand jury indictment.

When a Papa John’s pizza delivery driver headed out on a call, he likely felt safe with his concealed carry permit and quickly accessible pistol. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the bad guys with guns who were his biggest threat but the law itself.
For the second time in a week, a food delivery driver was attacked in northeast Dallas, leaving locals on high alert. The unnamed employee was walking a pizza up to an apartment complex just after 10 p.m. when a pair of armed robbers with nefarious plans suddenly ambushed him.

KTVT reports that a pair of 15-year-old males allegedly held up the driver at gunpoint, demanding that he hand over everything of value he had on his person. However, instead of emptying his pockets, the driver brandished his own firearm, shooting both would-be robbers.
According to police, both suspects were shot with one dying from his injuries and the other receiving emergency medical treatment at a local hospital. Incredibly, the pizza delivery driver walked away with no injuries. However, his troubles were only just beginning.

Despite purportedly acting in self-defense, the pizza delivery driver could face felony charges for shooting the teen robbers, according to KDFW. Although police have found no reason to charge the man, he still may be held accountable for murder or other charges by the court system.
Prosecutors will now present a case before a grand jury for review of the driver’s actions, which is standard protocol for such incidents in Dallas. Papa John’s said they’re cooperating with law enforcement, but wouldn’t release details about what the driver said happened or if they allow employees to carry while on the job.

Speaking out for the driver, Abigail Tooley said that her friend was merely protecting himself from what could’ve been a far worse outcome. She relayed the driver’s alleged reasoning, explaining that he had assessed the situation and determined that the only way to ensure his own survival was to open fire.
“He didn’t go into an insane amount of detail but he did let me know he had his license and that he ended up shooting one or another of them,” Tooley stated. “He felt comfortable enough to open and he said that he had two guys come up to him at gunpoint with guns to his head and he told me, ‘I had my concealed gun license and I didn’t know what else to do besides self-defense.'”
Police confirmed that the 15-year-old who was killed during the robbery was a student at Dallas ISD’s Idea Academy. The other suspect was injured but remains in police custody and was charged with aggravated robbery. Neither suspect’s identity was revealed due to their ages.

The incident follows an attack on another delivery driver days earlier at Midtown apartments. The driver was dropping off an order when he was shot 5 times. Incredibly, he survived the injuries and is in stable condition. The suspect was arrested at the scene.
If the incident played out as the Papa John’s delivery driver asserts, it would be appalling for him to face criminal charges. However, it wouldn’t be the first time an individual has been held criminally responsible for acting in self-defense.